Troop 10, the oldest Boy Scout troop in Cleveland and Bradley County, is celebrating its 100th anniversary in April.
The Troop was officially chartered as Troop 10 in 1924 and has served thousands of youth in the community since then. To commemorate this momentous centennial, the troop has scheduled three events to mark its 100 years of service to the Cleveland and Bradley County community.
The Scouts will be hosting an open house at the Troop 10 Scout House located behind Broad Street United Methodist Church on Sunday, April 7. The community is invited to visit the open house and see the history of the troop and meet its members.
The informal event will begin at noon and will be led by current Scouts showing off their history and many achievements, awards and adventures to open house attendees. Everyone looking for a future in Scouts BSA is especially invited to visit this event and learn about the storied Troop 10. Another event which is open to the public, is a historical display at the Museum & Cultural Center at 5ive Points. This special exhibit of troop artifacts covering the 100 years of Troop 10 will be displayed from April 16 through June 30.
Everyone is encouraged to visit the museum and learn about the history and see artifacts that show Boy Scouts throughout the century. The final event to celebrate the anniversary on Saturday, May 11, is the Alumni Picnic at the Greenway Park on Raider Drive.
The troop invites any Troop 10 alumni, community leaders and current troop members, parents and volunteers to celebrate with them at this picnic from noon to 2 p.m. An old-fashioned cook-out, Boy Scout-style, will be served along with great fellowship and fun. Sponsored by Broad Street United Methodist Church in 1924, Troop 10 has been led by several successful scoutmasters from the community.
Wallets, Bags & More Bellroy The longest running scoutmaster recorded by the troop was William Cecil Stanbery, who proudly led the troop and volunteers for the past 20 years. Stanberry passed away in 2023 and is followed by Shane Coleman as current scoutmaster. There is also a dedicated group of adult volunteers and leaders who work with the Scouts as they advance rank and earn merit badges. Troop 10 has proudly produced more than 140 Eagle Scouts, which is the highest rank achieved in Scouts. Troop 10 is known as a “high adventure” troop, having taken trips throughout the country hiking, backpacking, biking, canoeing and much more. Their members enjoy an adventure each month throughout the year, learning survival and life skills that will serve them for years to come. Also known as a "Scout-led” troop, Troop 10 allows and encourages leadership from the youth as they work together to advance and learn.
This teaches the youth responsibility, leadership and a path to success as they learn and grow as young men. As the county’s trailblazer troop, Troop 10 was also the first Boy Scout Troop in Tennessee to have a linked female troop. Known as Troop 1010 The Mighty Riveters, the female troop is an active, successful troop and they enjoy working alongside their male counterparts in Troop 10.
The addition of females to Scouts BSA has afforded the other 50% of our nation’s youth the opportunity to take advantage of this great leadership program and its benefits. Having proven their mettle, female troops have produced Eagle Scouts and community and business leaders across the country. Troop 1010 has produced its first female Eagle Scout and the first Eagle in the Cherokee Area Council. Not only is Troop 10 a troop of adventure and leadership, its core purpose stays the same as when it was first formed — community service. The troop has achieved thousands of hours serving Cleveland whether it be through honoring veterans at local events, litter cleanup at the Cleveland/Bradley Greenway or helping seniors with needed projects.
As Troop 10 continues its unwavering commitment to community service, organizers encourage the community to support its youth and leaders are they embark on their second century of service to Cleveland and Bradley County.
For more information about Troop 10 or its linked troop, 1010, contact Shannon Ward at